Yes, you can swap your Cosmos assets for other assets using Leap Wallet with our native swaps on Leapboard.
Learn about supported swaps on Leapboard here - Token not supported for Swapping
Access Leap Wallet Swaps on Leapboard -
To swap your assets using the Leap Wallet, watch this video:
Alternatively, you can also follow these 8 steps to swap your Cosmos assets using Leapboard:
Visit this link to swap your Cosmos assets on Leapboard -
Connect your Leap Wallet on Leapboard.
Select the “source” & “destination” chain along with the assets that you to swap.
Enter the amount of assets that you want to swap.
Click on the "Review" button to review details.
Click on the “proceed” button to submit your swap transaction.
Congrats 🥳, your swap is completed now.