Swaps, Transfers, Staking

Send & receive Cosmos tokens

Sending and receiving Cosmos tokens using Leap Wallet is a simple process.

To receive funds in your LEAP wallet, you will need to provide the sender with your wallet address. Here's how to find your wallet address in the LEAP wallet:

  1. Open the LEAP wallet app or extension.

  2. Click on the "Receive" button, which is located on the main screen of the wallet.

  3. Your wallet address will be displayed on the screen, along with a QR code. You can either copy the address by clicking on the "Copy" icon, or share it directly with the sender by sending them your QR code.

    Once the sender has your wallet address, they can send the funds to your LEAP wallet by using this address as the recipient. Please note that the process for sending funds may vary depending on the platform or method the sender is using.

    To send funds from your LEAP wallet, follow these steps:

    1. From the home page of your LEAP wallet, click on the "Send" button.

    2. On the next screen, enter the name of the recipient or the address of their wallet.

    3. Enter the amount of funds you want to send, and click on the "Next" button.

    4. Click on the "Review" button to proceed.

    5. Review the transaction details to make sure everything is correct, including the recipient's address and the amount you are sending. If you want to add a memo to the transaction, you can do so at this step.

    6. Review the transaction one last time and, if everything is correct, click on the "Send" button to initiate the transaction.