Portfolio Management

Process to get testnet tokens

Osmosis Faucet

Step 1: Go to Faucet website: https://faucet.osmosis.zone/#/

Step 2: Enter your Osmosis wallet address

Cosmos Hub Faucet

Step 1: Join Cosmos Discord (https://discord.gg/cosmosnetwork)

Step 2: Go to the testnet-faucet channel in the discord (https://discord.com/channels/669268347736686612/953697793476821092)

Step 3: Send this message there- "$request <enter your cosmos hub wallet address> theta" (without the quotes)

Step 4: Go to Explorer (for confirmation): https://cosmoshub-testnet.mintscan.io/cosmoshub-testnet

Sei Faucet:

Step 1: Switch to Sei (Atlantic 2) Testnet on Leap wallet

Step 2: Click on Sei Testnet Faucet and complete the captcha puzzle.

Step 3: Submit the captcha and you will receive the tokens shortly in your wallet.

Want more testnet like Sei integrated within the Leap wallet: Add your chains wishlist on the below link