
How to trade Perps or open Long/Short TIA positions on Demex?


This guide provides a step-by-step explanation of how to open long/short position for TIA on Demex dApp using your Leap Wallet.

How Does Leap Wallet Work?

Leap Wallet is currently available as a browser extension and mobile app (iOS and Android) that allows you to manage your assets on Carbon securely and efficiently while helping you connect with all the dApps and explorers on Carbon. To get started, download the Leap Wallet for Carbon Chrome extension and Leap Wallet app for Android & iOS.

Trade TIA Perps on Demex using the Leap Wallet browser extension

Here’s a video of a step-by-step guide on how to trade TIA perps on the Demex using the Leap Wallet browser extension.👇

Alternatively, you can follow these 6 easy steps to trade a TIA-PERP on the Demex using the Leap Wallet browser extension👇:

  1. Visit Demex DEX on your desktop using this link to directly go to the TIA-PERP market for trading -

  2. Click on the “Connect Wallet” button and select Leap Wallet from the list.

  3. You can open long or short positions with the help of this guide. For reference purposes, we are going to select TIA/USD PERP.

  4. We will open a Long position for this guide. Enter the Limit price at which you are going to enter your trade, and the amount of USD that you will enter the trade with. Lastly, enter the Leverage you want to take.

  5. Now, click on Buy/Long button to enter the trade.

  6. That’s it. Congrats 🥳 You have now entered the Long trade for TIA/USD pair on Demex Perps DEX using Leap Wallet.

    Introduction to Demex

    Decentralized Mercantile Exchange, or Demex, is a cross-chain platform designed to be the only DEX you need, supporting features. From spot, perpetual, and futures markets, as well as a cross-chain money market. In the future, we will also support options, bonds, synthetic assets, and more.