
How do I access my MetaMask Snaps address on my Leap Wallet

It’s very simple to access your MetaMask Snaps address on Leap. Follow these steps -

  1. Check this guide for installing Leap wallet. You need to take the Import existing wallet route : How to create a Celestia Wallet using Leap Browser Extension?

  2. Go to your MetaMask wallet and access your seed phrase.

    1. Please make sure this is the seed phrase of the primary wallet on MetaMask. For eg., If you have imported wallets with multiple seedphrases into MetaMask, this would be the Seedphrase of your first wallet into which you imported another wallet via seedphrase.

  3. Open Leap Wallet and in the Import an existing wallet section, click on “Using a Seed phrase” option

  4. Set up your Leap account and follow the on-screen instructions

  5. Click on top right corner logo to switch chain to Celestia.

  6. That’s it! Your Celestia wallet with your MetaMask Snaps address in now ready to use.

You can also watch this video to know how to access your MetaMask address on Leap Wallet -

MM to Leap .mp4