Swaps, Transfers, Staking

Earn rewards with Staking

Yes, it's possible to earn rewards or interest on your assets staked using Leap Wallet.

A lot of chains supported by the Leap Wallet, such as Cosmos Hub, Celestia, Kujira, Injective, Osmosis, etc. offer an option for staking, through which users can earn a share of the network's block rewards and transaction fees.

You can see your staking rewards by watching this quick video. Read more on how to claim your staking rewards on your assets using Leap wallet In-wallet staking

(Below steps show you quick guide to claim rewards for dYdX on extension, but you can claim your rewards in exact same way for other chains on extension)

Untitled <Video>

Alternatively, you claim your stake rewards using these quick steps on mobile app:

(Below steps show you quick guide to claim rewards for dYdX, but you can claim your rewards in exact same way for other chains)

Step 1: Go to the “stake” tab on the dYdX and click on “Claim” button

Step 2: Now, click on the “Claim all” button to claim your dYdX and USDC rewards.

Step 3: Approve the transaction and pay the gas fee on the dYdX chain. Once the transaction is complete, you’ve successfully claimed your dYdX staking rewards in USDC and dYdX tokens. You will also receive a notification for claiming dYdX rewards.