Portfolio Management

Check your Cosmos Portfolio - Token balances, Staking balances, Specific chain balances and more

Yes, it is possible to check your Cosmos Portfolio starting from tokens, chain-specific balances, staking balances, and track DeFi pool positions like Osmosis and Astroport.

To check any type of balance for your Cosmos portfolio, visit here - https://cosmos.leapwallet.io/portfolio/overview

  • To check your entire Cosmos Portfolio balance, visit here -

    The highlighted part in the below image tells you your complete portfolio balance on this wallet:

  • To check your staked assets balance:

    Scroll down to the “Staking” heading after visiting this link. Now the highlighted part in the below image tells you your complete staking balance on this wallet:

  • To check your unclaimed staking rewards balance:

    Scroll down to the “Staking” heading after visiting this link. Now the highlighted part in the below image tells you your complete unclaimed rewards on this wallet:

  • To check your DeFi pools (available for Osmosis & Astroport only) balance:

    Scroll down to the “DeFi” heading after visiting this link. Now the highlighted part in the below image tells you your Liquid Staking on this wallet:

  • To check the balance of your Liquid staking assets (currently tracked for Stride only):

    Scroll down to the “Liquid Staking” heading after visiting this link. Now the highlighted part in the below image tells you your Liquid Staking on this wallet:

    Note: Your Liquid staked tokens balance is already counted in the “Tokens” heading. It’s shown separately to help you access your DeFi portfolio better.

  • To check chain-wise portfolio balance:

    Refer to this quick video to check your chain-wise balance on Leapboard after visiting this link, Below video indicates the balance for the Celestia chain, you can check for all chains in the same manner.