To access your Cosmos Hub, Neutron, or any other Cosmos chain address on Swapfast, you can access your address using a Swapfast Embedded wallet
To get gas on any chain, for example, the Neutron chain address for Leap MetaMask Snaps, copy your Neutron chain address from the embedded wallet on Swapfast
You can follow this video to learn how to copy your Cosmos Hub, Neutron, or any other Cosmos chain address on Swapfast
(iii) Once you have copied your Neutron chain address from Leap MetaMask Snaps, send some NTRN for gas using your Keplr wallet. (Note: Try sending a small amount of NTRN for confirmation.)
(iv) After you have received the gas on your Neutron chain address for the Leap MetaMask Snaps wallet—confirm it inside the Swapfast embedded wallet—you can bridge your Asset back to the required chain