
Jun 25, 2024

Getting Started with Stargaze: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to set up your wallet, acquire STARS tokens, and stake them. Explore top NFT Collections and maximize your experience on the Stargaze platform.

In the dynamic world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, Stargaze stands out as a unique platform dedicated to decentralized social networking and NFTs. With its focus on creating a vibrant ecosystem for NFTs and social interactions, Stargaze offers a compelling experience for users and developers alike. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to get started with your Stargaze wallet, from creating your wallet to staking STARS tokens, exploring top NFT collections, and using Swapfast for token swaps, all seamlessly integrated with Leap Wallet.

By the end of this article, you'll have a clear understanding of:

  1. Creating Your Stargaze Wallet: A step-by-step process to set up your wallet securely.

  2. Populating Your Wallet with STARS Tokens: How to fund your wallet with STARS tokens.

  3. Staking STARS Inside Your Wallet: The benefits of staking and how to do it.

  4. Exploring the NFT Collections: Discovering popular NFT collections on Stargaze.

  5. Swapping STARS Tokens: Utilizing Swapfast to swap STARS tokens efficiently.

Let’s leap into the world of Stargaze and unlock the potential of decentralized social networking and NFTs.

Section 1: Creating Your Stargaze Wallet

Creating a Stargaze wallet using Leap Wallet is a straightforward process that ensures your assets are secure and easily accessible. Whether you're setting up a new wallet or importing an existing one, Leap Wallet provides a user-friendly interface to get you started. Follow these steps to create or import your Stargaze wallet:

Creating a New Stargaze Wallet

  1. Download and Install Leap Wallet:

    • Visit the Leap Wallet website and download the wallet extension for your preferred browser.

    • Follow the installation instructions to add the Leap Wallet extension to your browser.

  2. Launch Leap Wallet:

    • Click on the Leap Wallet icon in your browser toolbar to open the wallet extension.

    • Select "Create New Wallet" to start the setup process.

  3. Set Up Your Wallet:

    • Create a strong password for your wallet and confirm it. Make sure to store this password securely.

  4. Backup Your Seed Phrase:

    • Leap Wallet will generate a 12- or 24-word seed phrase. Write down this seed phrase on paper and store it in a safe place. This seed phrase is crucial for recovering your wallet if you lose access.

    • Confirm your seed phrase by entering the words in the correct order.

  5. Complete the Setup:

    • Once your seed phrase is confirmed, your new Stargaze wallet is ready to use. You can now access your wallet dashboard and manage your STARS tokens.

Importing an Existing Stargaze Wallet

  1. Launch Leap Wallet:

    • Click on the Leap Wallet icon in your browser toolbar to open the wallet extension.

    • Select "Import Existing Wallet" to start the import process.

  2. Enter Your Seed Phrase:

    • Enter the 12- or 24-word seed phrase of your existing Stargaze wallet. Make sure the words are in the correct order.

  3. Set Up Your Wallet:

    • Create a strong password for your wallet and confirm it. Store this password securely as it will be used to access your wallet.

  4. Complete the Import:

    • Once your seed phrase is verified, your existing Stargaze wallet will be imported into Leap Wallet. You can now access your wallet dashboard and manage your STARS tokens.

With your Stargaze wallet set up or imported into Leap Wallet, you're ready to explore the various features and functionalities of the Stargaze ecosystem. In the next section, we'll discuss how to populate your wallet with STARS tokens.

For a detailed explanation, click here!

Section 2: Populating Your Wallet with STARS Tokens

Once you have created or imported your Stargaze wallet in Leap Wallet, the next step is to fund it with STARS tokens. There are two primary ways to populate your wallet: transferring STARS tokens from a centralized exchange or transferring from another wallet. Here’s how to do it:

Transferring STARS Tokens from a Centralized Exchange

  1. Purchase STARS Tokens on an Exchange:

    • Create an account or log in to a centralized exchange that supports STARS, such as Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken.

    • Purchase the desired amount of STARS tokens using fiat currency or another cryptocurrency.

  2. Withdraw STARS Tokens to Your Leap Wallet:

    • Navigate to the withdrawal section of the exchange.

    • Enter your Leap Wallet's Stargaze address. To find your address, open Leap Wallet, select your Stargaze wallet, and copy the wallet address displayed.

    • Specify the amount of STARS tokens you want to withdraw.

    • Confirm the transaction. Ensure that all details are correct before proceeding to avoid any loss of funds.

    • Wait for the transaction to be processed. This may take a few minutes depending on the network conditions.

Transferring STARS Tokens from Another Wallet

  1. Obtain Your Leap Wallet Address:

    • Open Leap Wallet and select your Stargaze wallet.

    • Copy the wallet address displayed.

  2. Send STARS Tokens from the Other Wallet:

    • Open the wallet from which you want to send STARS tokens.

    • Navigate to the send/transfer section of the wallet.

    • Paste your Leap Wallet's Stargaze address into the recipient field.

    • Enter the amount of STARS tokens you wish to send.

    • Confirm the transaction details and initiate the transfer.

    • Wait for the transaction to be processed. This might take a few minutes depending on network conditions.

Confirming the Receipt of STARS Tokens

  1. Check Your Balance:

    • Open Leap Wallet and navigate to your Stargaze wallet.

    • Verify that the transferred STARS tokens have been credited to your wallet. The updated balance should reflect the transferred amount.

Populating your Stargaze wallet with STARS tokens is a crucial step to start interacting with the Stargaze ecosystem. With your wallet funded, you are now ready to stake your STARS tokens and explore the various NFT collections available on Stargaze. In the next section, we will guide you through the process of staking STARS tokens inside your wallet.

Section 3: Staking STARS Inside Your Wallet

Staking your STARS tokens is an excellent way to earn rewards while supporting the security and functionality of the Stargaze Protocol. Leap Wallet makes the staking process simple and secure. Follow these steps to stake your STARS tokens using Leap Wallet:

Steps to Stake STARS Tokens

  1. Open Leap Wallet:

    • Launch Leap Wallet and navigate to your Stargaze wallet.

  2. Access the Staking Interface:

    • In your wallet dashboard, find the "Staking" section or click on the "Stake" button specifically for STARS tokens.

  3. Choose a Validator:

    • Leap Wallet will display a list of available validators. Validators are responsible for securing the network and processing transactions.

    • Review the details of each validator, such as their commission rate and performance. Choose a validator you trust and click on their name to proceed.

  4. Delegate Your STARS Tokens:

    • Enter the amount of STARS tokens you want to stake. Ensure you leave a small amount of STARS in your wallet to cover transaction fees.

    • Confirm the staking transaction details, including the validator and the amount to be staked.

    • Click "Delegate" to initiate the staking process.

  5. Confirm the Transaction:

    • Leap Wallet will prompt you to confirm the transaction. Double-check all details to ensure accuracy.

    • Confirm the transaction and wait for it to be processed. This may take a few moments depending on the network conditions.

  6. Track Your Staking Rewards:

    • Once your STARS tokens are staked, you can monitor your staking status and rewards through the Leap Wallet dashboard.

    • The "Staking" section will show your staked amount, the validator you have delegated to, and any rewards you have earned.

For a detailed explanation on staking STARS, click here!

Managing Your Staked STARS Tokens

  1. Claiming Rewards:

    • Periodically, you will earn rewards for staking your STARS tokens. These rewards can be claimed directly from the staking interface in Leap Wallet.

    • Click on the "Claim Rewards" button to add the earned STARS tokens to your wallet balance.

  2. Unstaking Your Tokens:

    • If you decide to unstake your STARS tokens, navigate to the "Staking" section in Leap Wallet.

    • Select the "Unstake" option and enter the amount of STARS tokens you wish to unstake.

    • Confirm the unstaking transaction. Note that there may be an unbonding period before the unstaked tokens become available for use.

  3. Re-delegating Tokens:

    • If you want to change your validator, you can re-delegate your staked STARS tokens without needing to unstake first.

    • Choose the "Re-delegate" option, select a new validator, and confirm the transaction.

By staking your STARS tokens through Leap Wallet, you not only contribute to the Stargaze Protocol’s network security but also earn attractive rewards. With your STARS tokens securely staked, you can now explore the top NFT collections within the Stargaze ecosystem. In the next section, we will guide you through some of the most popular NFT collections on Stargaze.

Section 4: Exploring the NFT Collections

Stargaze offers a vibrant ecosystem of NFT collections, allowing users to discover, collect, and trade unique digital assets. You can access these collections either directly through the Stargaze marketplace or via the dApp browser on Leap Wallet. Here are some of the top NFT collections within the Stargaze ecosystem and how you can leverage them using Leap Wallet.

Celestine Sloth Society

Overview: The Celestine Sloth Society is a popular NFT collection featuring a variety of digital sloths, each with unique attributes and characteristics. This collection is known for its artistic appeal and the community surrounding it. The sloths are not just visually appealing but also come with backstories that add depth and intrigue to each NFT.

Trade Celestine Sloths on Stargaze:

Visit the Stargaze marketplace or use the dApp browser in Leap Wallet to explore the Celestine Sloth Society. Connect your Leap Wallet, browse the diverse sloth characters, and add your favorites to your collection using STARS tokens.

Bad Kids

Overview: Bad Kids is an NFT collection that features rebellious and edgy digital characters. The collection has garnered a significant following due to its unique art style and the narrative behind each character. Each Bad Kid NFT embodies a spirit of defiance and creativity, making it a unique addition to any collection.

Trade Bad Kids on Stargaze: Dive into the Stargaze marketplace or access it via the Leap Wallet dApp browser to discover the Bad Kids collection. Connect your Leap Wallet, explore the intriguing and bold characters, and purchase the ones that resonate with you using STARS tokens.

Pixel Wizards

Overview: Pixel Wizards is an NFT collection that combines pixel art with magical themes. Each NFT in this collection represents a wizard with unique spells and abilities, making it a favorite among fantasy enthusiasts. The collection stands out for its retro pixel art style, which evokes nostalgia while offering a fresh take on digital art.

Trade Pixel Wizards on Stargaze: Head over to the Stargaze marketplace or use the Leap Wallet dApp browser to access the Pixel Wizards collection. Connect your Leap Wallet, delve into the magical world of pixelated wizards, and expand your collection with these enchanting NFTs using STARS tokens.

By exploring these NFT collections through the Stargaze marketplace or the dApp browser on Leap Wallet, you can fully immerse yourself in the creative and vibrant world of Stargaze. Leap Wallet makes it easy to interact with these collections, allowing you to manage and purchase NFTs seamlessly.

Section 5: Exploring the Top dApps

Stargaze's ecosystem extends beyond NFTs to include a variety of powerful decentralized applications (dApps) that enhance the functionality and utility of your STARS tokens. Here are two dApps within the Stargaze ecosystem and how you can leverage them using Leap Wallet.


Swapfast is designed for users who need to swap tokens quickly and efficiently. It supports over 4,000 tokens across multiple chains, including EVMs and Solana.


  • Swap Tokens: Swapfast allows you to swap STARS tokens for any of the supported tokens instantly. Simply connect your Leap Wallet, select the tokens you want to swap, and confirm the transaction. Swapfast ensures you get the best rates for every trade.

  • Bridge Tokens: Need to transfer your tokens across different blockchains? Swapfast’s bridging functionality allows you to move your STARS tokens to and from other chains seamlessly.

  • Share Tokens: Swapfast makes it easy to share your favorite tokens with others. You can send tokens instantly to any address.

How to Use Swapfast with STARS:

  1. Access Swapfast:

  2. Connect Your Wallet:

    • Click on the "Connect Wallet" button and select Leap Wallet to connect your Stargaze wallet.

  3. Select Tokens to Swap:

    • Choose the token you want to swap (e.g., STARS) and the token you want to receive in exchange.

    • Enter the amount of STARS tokens you wish to swap.

  4. Review and Confirm:

    • Review the transaction details, including the exchange rate and any fees.

    • Confirm the swap and wait for the transaction to be processed. This might take a few moments depending on network conditions.

  5. Check Your New Balance:

    • Once the swap is complete, return to Leap Wallet and check your balance to ensure the new tokens have been credited to your account.

Using Swapfast, you can efficiently manage your token portfolio and take advantage of market opportunities within the Stargaze ecosystem. This seamless integration with Leap Wallet makes token swaps quick and convenient, allowing you to fully leverage the capabilities of Stargaze.

Atlas DAO

Overview: Atlas DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that focuses on collective governance and investment within the Stargaze ecosystem. It allows users to participate in decision-making processes and contribute to various projects and proposals.


  • Governance Participation: Vote on proposals and influence the direction of the DAO.

  • Investment Opportunities: Pool resources to invest in promising projects and initiatives.

  • Community Engagement: Collaborate with other members to shape the future of the ecosystem.

Leverage Atlas DAO with STARS: Visit Atlas DAO or access it via the Leap Wallet dApp browser. Connect your Leap Wallet to Atlas DAO, participate in governance by voting on proposals, and engage in collective investments using your STARS tokens. This integration empowers you to have a say in the development and growth of the Stargaze ecosystem.

By leveraging these dApps within the Stargaze ecosystem, you can maximize the utility of your STARS tokens, engage in seamless token swaps, and actively participate in decentralized governance. Leap Wallet serves as your gateway to these powerful tools, enabling you to fully immerse yourself in the dynamic world of Stargaze.


Getting started with Stargaze through Leap Wallet provides a secure and efficient way to manage your STARS tokens and interact with the vibrant ecosystem of NFTs. From creating your wallet and populating it with STARS tokens to staking, exploring NFT collections, and swapping tokens, Leap Wallet offers a comprehensive solution to navigate the Stargaze blockchain. By following this guide, you can unlock the full potential of decentralized social networking and NFTs on Stargaze, ensuring a rewarding and engaging experience in the world of blockchain technology. Leap into Stargaze today and explore the endless possibilities it offers.